A community intentionally connecting people with Jesus.
Life is difficult at times, but know you are not alone. We believe prayer is powerful and we will walk with you in these times. This Prayer page is for you to share struggles, burdens, and trials as well as have the opportunity to pray for others. If you choose to submit a request we will not share your email address publicly, and you have the ability to share requests anonymously. Please keep your request brief. Your prayer request will remain posted for one month after it is approved by the prayer wall administrator. If you have a prayer answered, please post again as a praise so we can give God all the glory!
My sweet Momma has worsening symptoms from a TIA, as well as a 6 inch cyst on her pancreas. She is opting not to have surgery. She knows and loves Jesys. Please pray the Holy Spirit comfort her and help her and my Dad through these difficult days. She is struggling. Please pray I can see them over the holidays and that our visit will honor the Lord and bless my parents as I honor them. They moved into an independent living center and live a mile from my neice. They are safe and cared for. Pray for my brother, who recently retired to know and receive Christ's ️ love.. unspoken as well